Consistency Is Key: Simple Tips For Great Skin

In our fast-paced lives, maintaining healthy skin should be simple and effective, not a time-consuming chore, right? Whilst this hasn't always been my mantra, I'm a hardcore believer now! It wasn't until I had my first baby that I realised I lacked the head space, funds, and time to continue with my 7-step skincare routine. However, I really wasn't prepared to compromise on results. I searched for a multi-benefit skincare range that could 'do it all' but there was nothing on the market. In short, that's the reason I founded Cinch. I committed to the philosophy of offering straightforward, multi-functional skincare solutions that actually worked. My new mantra? Less mirror time, more time doing what you love (without any compromise on results).

I’m going to share some of the lessons I've learnt from over 20+ years in the beauty industry that have helped me achieve my best skin at the age of 44, all whilst shifting from a maximalist lifestyle to the freedom of a minimalist!

Consistency Is Key

This is the best advice I can give you. It doesn't matter how many steps your routine involves or which products you use; consistency is the cornerstone of a good skincare routine. There are so many choices on the market so make sure you are also opting for products that are actually suited to your skin type and lifestyle. 

 Double Down on Benefits

We're all leading busy lives with minimal time for self-care, so we recommend choosing products that offer more than one benefit. Having clinically proven ingredients or a money-back guarantee will give you greater confidence when switching to a multi-benefit product or reducing your routine. Keep in mind, the skincare industry wants you to purchase as many products as you can fit into your bathroom cabinet because that equals more sales for them. When I asked one of my original manufacturers to create a 5-in-1 product, they were sceptical, asking why not release 3 or 4 products instead? Crazy, right?

As the beauty industry gradually begins to offer multi-benefit products, we're staring to have more options. It may be overwhelming, but luckily, we're here to guide you through! Consider a cleanser that also gently exfoliates and tones, or a moisturiser that acts like a treatment or serum (and illuminates). You get the picture. The only thing I personally don’t recommend, is going for a Sunscreen (that also acts as your primary moisturiser). Yes, choose a sunscreen that has glowy or hydrating properties, but use it in conjunction with your regular moisturiser and reapply it throughout the day. You can read about why I feel that way here.

Cut Down, But Make It YOU

  • Customise to Your Needs: Begin with a skin analysis or quiz to find the right products. This maximises results.
  • Fit Your Lifestyle: Opt for products that seamlessly integrate into your routine, like no-rinse cleansers next to your bed if you struggle with cleansing at night. Consistent nightly cleansing is a game-changer. Trust me.
  • Gain Confidence: If you're new to simplifying your routine, take small steps until you gain confidence!

 My less-is-more ethos simplifies routines, combining innovation with simplicity to accommodate our busy lives. Even if you're not ready to cut down your routine, I urge you to commit to cleansing every night for 14 nights. Don’t miss a day. Be consistent. I'm eager to hear about your experience and the changes you see! 

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